-31 $1.50 MQ's (found inside the tin)
-2 $2/1 MQ's adjusted to $1.67 (from SC Johnson coupon booklet)
*14 Hefty OneZip Travel Packs $0.97
-14 $0.97 MQ's (these were adjusted, and they ended up giving me an extra as I look at it now)
*20 Bliss Chocolate Bars $0.99 (I used them on the Saturday, the last day to use them)
-20 $0.99 TQ's (self-adjusted)
*2 Glade Plug-in Warmers $1.99
-2 FREE MQ's (from SC Johnson coupon booklet)
*5 Glade Refills $2.89
-5 MQ's for a free refill WYB Glade Tin Candles (from April All You magazine)
*3 Trial Size Hello Kitty Band-aids $0.99
-3 $1/1 MQ's (cashier didn't adjust these)
*1 Trial Size St. Ives $0.97
-$1.50/1 MQ adjusted to $0.97
*4 Minute Maid 10 pack juice box $0.69
*1 Market Pantry 8 pack juice box $0.59
*1 large package of Balloons (needed for birthday party) $4.99
After Q's and taxes: $21.99 ($8.39 was tax)
Total Saved: $150.15
I'm still looking for more of those Glade tin candles, they are amazing!!! They are on a temporary price cut through June 22nd for $1.67, and have $1.50/1 coupons right inside the lid! Oh and a little FYI on the juice boxes, because I did not type the prices wrong. Every once in a while, Target screws up. We all do. Well, these packages are supposed to be at the food counter sold individually, not on the shelves. So, you are charged the price of one instead. And don't worry, I've spoke to both corporate and a few different managers about this. If you find one, you get to buy it for the price it rings up (either $0.59 for the MP or $0.69 for the MM)! Happy shopping!!

I really wish you lived closer so that we could go do that together!!
Good Job :)
Thanks! I wish we lived closer too! Although the stores may be empty then though LOL
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